Cold Weather Shelter Status: OPEN 2/15
If the cold weather shelter is going to open to receive guests on a given night, we will post it here shortly after noon and by 1PM.
Guests must sign in between 8PM-10PM at First Baptist Church (1111 Fort Street) on nights that the shelter is open. If no guests have signed in by 10PM, we will close the shelter for the evening.

Thanksgiving Feast 2024
The Ellis County Ministerial Alliance will hold it's 17th annual community Thanksgiving Feast this year on Thursday, November 28th.
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
​Kansas National Guard
200 Main St, Hays
For many folks, this Thanksgiving meal will be the only opportunity for a celebratory meal on that day. Loneliness and depression are at alarming levels throughout our nation and within our community. We recognize the healing importance of breaking bread with our friends and neighbors.
There will be no reservation needed this year. It will be on a first come, first serve basis. We will serve until we run out of food! All meals are completely FREE!​
UPDATE as of 11/15/2024 - Delivery spots are all filled. BUT you can still attend in person to receive this DELICIOUS meal!