Cold Weather Shelter Status: OPEN 2/15
If the cold weather shelter is going to open to receive guests on a given night, we will post it here shortly after noon and by 1PM.
Guests must sign in between 8PM-10PM at First Baptist Church (1111 Fort Street) on nights that the shelter is open. If no guests have signed in by 10PM, we will close the shelter for the evening.

The Ellis County Ministerial Alliance is a group of Christian ministries and churches that have gathered together for the betterment and enrichment of our community.

The Ellis County Ministerial Alliance is a group of Christian ministries and churches that have gathered together for the betterment and enrichment of our community.
If you are in need of financial assistance, please contact First Call for Help at (785) 623-2800. If you are in need of emergency assistance outside regular office hours or on weekends, please call the Hays Police Department at (785) 625-1030 so that they can help facilitate your needs. If you are in need of spiritual counsel, please contact a local church. Find the right church for you by visiting our Churches Directory Page for contact information.
The ECMA group meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 12:00pm. Click here for a list of meeting locations. All are welcome to attend. Presentations must be scheduled in advance with the ECMA President.
If you have information you’d like to share with members of the ECMA, send an email with your information to the ECMA Secretary. They will then forward appropriate materials to the ECMA members.
President: Cheryl Glassman
Vice-President: Chris Prater
Secretary: Jonathan E. McCottry, Sr.
Treasurer: Ramona Weigel
Executive Director of First Call for Help: Macey Pfeifer
The President and Vice-President begin their terms on June 1 of each year. The Secretary and Treasurer begin their terms January 1.
If you have any questions about the ECMA, explore the site or contact us.
Be sure to visit our Facebook page.
To help support our community and organization financially, mail checks to:
Ellis County Ministerial Alliance
P.O. Box 173
Hays, KS 67601