Cold Weather Shelter Status: CLOSED
If the cold weather shelter is going to open to receive guests on a given night, we will post it here shortly after noon and by 1PM.
Guests must sign in between 8PM-10PM at First Baptist Church (1111 Fort Street) on nights that the shelter is open. If no guests have signed in by 10PM, we will close the shelter for the evening.
About Us

The Ellis County Ministerial Alliance is made up of Ellis County churches and ministries that have joined together for fellowship, encouragement, worship and support. Together the churches and ministries raise funds to help those in need. The ECMA grants monies collected to various agencies whose mission it is serve those needing financial assistance. The primary agency that the ECMA grants to is First Call for Help. First Call for Help is the first place those in Ellis County who are in need of assistance should contact.

Official Statement of Purpose
Affirming the belief that the spirit of Christ brings transformation and unity in the life of our community, our purpose is to:
Provide a forum to address the spiritual issues of our community, including but not limited to assistance.
Provide a forum for understanding and cooperation among the different churches throughout Ellis County.
Provide a setting in which clergy and ministering persons in the community may enjoy fellowship.